fxinvestama the real bussines
Posted by Taman Kelinci Klampok | Posted in Affiliate Lesson, Forex, Real Bussines | Posted on 3:33 AM
FxInvestama the System Cooperation as written below:
System membership:
For the results:
Fixed interest rate:
Profit payment or Fixed Interest:
Program Reference:
Terms Transfer Profit or Fixed Interest:

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System membership:
1. Free, anyone can become an investor in this program.
2. Have one of the accounts: Liberty Reserve (LR), WebMoney (WM), Bank or Bank BCA MANDIRI.
3. Number of investors in the first phase is limited to 100 people a number of total shares or $ 10 000.
1. Investment value is calculated with the stock unit
2. Price for one unit of stock LR and WM is $ 10 for the rupiah exchange rate in effect.
3. Minimum investment in this program is a stock of 1 unit with 6 month contract period.
4. Activation purchase shares will be held at 16:00 each working day at the WIB for the purchase of shares over time to be activated on the next day on the job.
5. Shares will be automatically disbursed / transferred directly to the member after the period ends, namely 6 (six) months without charge, but with the administration consider the condition of profit / loss trading the previous month.
For the results:
1. Total for the results given to the investor is equal to 60% of the accumulation of profit obtained in 2 (two) weeks from the trading results for the active member shares, the remaining 40% of the cost of administration and operational management of rights fully owned by the manager.
2. If there is a purchase of shares before the distribution of profit, the division of profit on the shares will be calculated proportionally based on the activation date so that it does not hurt the stock first active
3. When trading in the accumulation of 2 (two) weeks to losses (loss) then:
* For the period of the profit will not be distributed.
* Investor participate bear the burden of losses in accordance with the number of units of shares owned.
* Management reserves the right to reduce the amount of profit that is distributed to investors in order to restore the capital loss due to happen in order to maintain the sustainability of this program.
Fixed interest rate:
1. Member will receive a fixed interest rate on 1 and every 16 days on the job.
2. Great interest that we still is 10% per month or 5% per 2 weeks or 0.5% per day is counted every Monday - jumat.
3. Member to perform the activation in addition to 1 and 16 of the member will receive flowers Stay proportionally with the system every day with the calculated amount of 0.5% per day
4. Transfer interest rate will still be eligible to transfer, if not met then akan diakumulasi to the next transfer period
Profit payment or Fixed Interest:
1. Profit will be transferred directly to the investor every 2 (two) days without the need to make the process Withdraw.
2. Schedule profit transfer date is 1 (one) and 16 (sixteen) each month.
3. Schedule of profit transfer is on the working day, if on that date is a holiday then diundur the next business day.
4. Minimal amount of profit to be transferred to the account of the type of LR and WM is $ 1, for the type of account is BCA Rp 10.000, - and for the type of account is Mandiri Rp 20.000, - if less than the amount of accumulation to a period up to the amount of future minimum is reached.
Program Reference:
1. The manager will give a bonus reference to the investor who can introduce this program to new investors.
2. The amount of bonus is the reference value of 5% of the shares purchased by referral only and obtained only once when referalnya to deposit funds and first time deposit of funds the next.
3. Referral bonus will be distributed on 01 days each month on the job.
4. Referral Bonus minimal amount to be transferred must meet transfer requirements.
Terms Transfer Profit or Fixed Interest:
1. No bank account name and the purpose of transfer of profit or interest will be based on data registered in the member database.
2. If the name listed on the account with the data in our database does not match the transfer of profit or interest will remain pending until we repair the data.
3. Meet the minimum transfer amount for the type of account Liberty Reserve (LR) and WebMoney (WM) is $ 1, for the type of account is BCA Rp 10.000, - and for the type of account is Mandiri Rp 20.000, --

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